About me

There are a few things in my life that I'm especially proud of. I went from a small village in India to being one of the top 75 female leaders of Sweden (2022 & 2021). I went from ending an abusive relationship to finding the true love of my life. And I went from being unclear on the purpose of my life to living everyday with clear intention. 
Perhaps it's because I've been through many life transitions and uncertainties myself – changing countries, life situations, and career paths - that I enjoy coaching others who are facing similar situations.
And that resonates with my clients. Have a look at what my clients say.
I am trained with ICF, the best-known coaching organisation with stringent standards and experience requirements. You can read more about me here.

My philosophy

Transforming life with clarity and confidence

My mission is to empower, evoke awareness and amplify the confidence in you.

I am sure you have heard of the saying ‘Fake it till you make it’.  I believe that you don’t have to fake if you can really become what you want to be and I am here to help you do exactly just that.
I believe: 
We are unique, powerful, and beautiful with a lot of potential and love to share with the world. 
We all matter, we all belong, and we can do anything we set our hearts to.

I want to help you own your life and be confident.

What my clients say